Tuesday 040803 – SLO Brewery, San Louis Obispo

I’m here on the reccommendation of Tom “Kingsley” Brown, who suggested I sample the food and the Porter; am currently in the midst of a nice thick “Saphead” stout. I’ve gotten to be quite the beer snob in the past few years; I particularly prefer the darker Nut Browns, Porters, and Stouts. Which brings to mind a friend’s (Todd) Theory of Guiness.

The first Guiness you drink, of an evening, tastes like a Guiness.
The second, really tastes like a Guiness.
The third, really REALLY tastes like a Guiness.
The fourth, and any subsequent, taste like root beer floats.

I stayed with my cousin Beckie last night, in her new guest room – they’ve been working on their house for about two years, now, including a year while they were in Ireland when they had it torn down. The new house is a “manufactured home” which means it came in sections and was assembled on-site – it bears no resemblance whatsoever to a “mobile home”. I’m told they’re created in Corona and trucked to the site, which means they must bear a trailer registration, but they have nice woodgrain floors and a beautiful kitchen and bullnosed drywall. Showed their kids Greg and Jennica how to use the poi and the fire staff, tho we didn’t get around to lighting them on fire, probably better off.

Just spoke to some people next to me at the bar – been meaning to do that more often – they’re from Cardiff but live here now, and have been vacationing in Gig Harbor, Washington; they’re beerheads and the woman had several places to reccommend if and when I get up that way.

Stopped briefly in Solvang, which wasn’t really worth a visit unless you’re into kitchy touristy crap; and paid a visit to GoWesty who specializes in Westfala Vanagons, for some minor spare parts. I decided to pass on the van-side awnign on the grounds that it would probably be ruined at Burning Man, and I can just as easily pick up a cheap easy-up somewhere if I decide I need one.

And I spoke with my friend Dana, who runs the Total Escape travel site (Visit it! Buy something!) and talked to her about my trip. She likes to drive fast down unmarked dirt roads but apparently makes her salary by click-throughs from people buying Newage (rhymes with Sewage) books from Amazon.

Tonight I’ll try to find a campsite by the side of the road somewhere in Cambria; I’m told that unless it’s marked otherwise roadside camping is tolerated.

And my “i” key is flaky. The keyboard on the iBook is easily (and relatively cheaply) replacable, but still it’s a bit of a pain; perhaps there’s something signifcant in the fact that the first key for me to wear out is the “i”. Speaking of which, my niece Lydia, the second child and a year and a half younger than her nearly three-year old sister Chloe, apparently favorite words are “no” and “mine”.

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