First to leave for Burning Man

Just a quick note; trip report later if I can be bothered and then find an internet connection.

I’m on the road north to SF, Portland, and Seattle, then on to Black Rock. I’ll be on the road for about six weeks total. I moved out of my house and moved all my crap into storage (with no help asked or given except from dear close friend box and kitchen packers – don’t worry, I’ll give y’all a chance when I move back in somewhere sometime.) The Pinz and Rover are in storage (anyone want to borrow the Pinz for Burning Man? Let me know!) and I’m in a new (to me) 1987 VW Vanagon Camper “Tortuga Vagabundo”. I have Internet access in cafes (as now, from the Planet Java in Halcyon, CA), 802.11 “drive-bys”/wardriving, or from my cellphone (slower, but still works – but is lacking the joy of “stealing” internet”). Cellphone still works, too, and if you’ve got my number I’m happy to chat if I’m in an area with reception, but damn it don’t call when I’m already on the phone with someone – two calls I’ve gotten today, both in the same two minutes.

I’m planning on camping with/near Mithra at Thermal Shock, and should get there around Saturday the 28th if I can get in that early.

Reports from the road should appear at presently. If you have suggestions for coastal brewpubs, hot springs, or can’t miss cultural attractions (“Hey Mildred, I think the tourist trap just bagged another one”), let me know!

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