Moving boxes

Advice for moving, having helped someone else last 2 weekends: Go to Uhaul (or the used box place) and buy some boxes. Same-sized boxes (or at least, only 2 or 3 sizes) – not Heinz 57 variety of old boxes that don’t match and smell like cat pee. Fill the boxes (preferably with similar contents that can be labelled, for your own sanity). Get some standard labels and put them in the same place on each box (top left corner, whatever). Be sure every box is closed and taped and labelled BEFORE you ask a dear friend to pick it up and move it. I can move 5 of these boxes on a hand truck. with the same effort as a single, beaten and torn up old hand-me-down-box with the lid open overflowing with crap. And I don’t have to look at your mess as I move it. A small investment in boxes + closed, taped and labelled == happy friends that might be willing to help you move next time.

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