Another reason not to vote for Hillary

…because she just sent me spam. I would never have signed up for any Hillary Clinton mailing list, but today I got a campaign letter from her.

I responded:

Thanks for writing; not sure how you got my name. I am a very strong Barack Obama supporter.

In case you read responses, you should know I would sooner not vote, than vote for Ms. Clinton. I believe she is “owned” by the same or similar corporations, to those that own the current idiot-in-chief. Her ties to labor unions are too strong, and I believe her relationship with the health care lobbies compromises any possibility that she might make worthwhile reforms in health care. Lastly, I believe that she is unelectable, mainly because so many people in this country hate her.

Please consider supporting Obama. The country deserves a change.

And as anticipated, the bounce-back response from them:

Thank you for your message. I have received thousands of emails from people all over the country. Your comments are very important to me and I am excited that so many people are joining our conversation about how to change the direction of the country. Unfortunately, due to the high volume of comments, I am unable to respond to each email individually.

I have news for you, Hillary. If only one person is speaking, it’s not a conversation, it’s a monologue; it’s not a democracy, it’s a dictatorship. No thanks, do not want.

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