Tell me your secrets

This year at Burning Man, I'll be camping with “The Secret Xchange” (which I insist on calling “Camp Secret” because I think it sounds better!) Our contribution/participatory art project will be to provide people with multiple ways of unburdening themselves of secrets – as well as enabling them to unburden others. You'll be able to commit your secret to a plantable, beseeded postcard that you can plant in your garden; write it on your chest in grease pencil; whisper it into a sympathetic ear in the confessional; yell it through a bullhorn; as well as other ways to be announced (and/or invented).

My personal project is the “Undisclosed Location” – a playa art installation. Located somewhere far out on the desert, this oasis will echo the theme of Camp Secret, with a few twisted ideas of my own.

What do I need from you? I need your secrets. You can enter them as comments here, if you'd like to be anonymous; or you can email them to me here. If you really want to help me, you can record them to some digital audio format – mp3 or wav or aiff – and email that to me.

These don't necessarily have to be your own secrets. They can even be made-up. They can be personal, mundane, childish, pornographic, humorous or serious. If they're government top secrets I'll keep them tucked confidentially under my tinfoil hat. If you choose to record them (did I mention I'd really like this?) use an appropriate tone. If you want to embellish them in the style of Post Secret, that would be lovely.

Oh, and if you happen to have a blog (especially one that's popular, or whatever…) feel free to pimp this idea there!


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