040804.2004 Sardine Factory Monterey

Despite the cheesy name and the proximity to Cannery Row (not to mention the boat out front and the waiter’s goofy uniform), this is actually a somewhat elegant restaurant. I didn’t intend to take myself out somewhere nice, but after my shower, courtesy of the Veteran’s Memorial Park campground that’s a lot nicer than it sounds, I felt like having a bite of seafood. I managed to resist the temptation to sample Bubba Gump’s Shrimp Company, mainly due to the high tourist content apparent in the waiting area. Tho shrimp sounded good to me at the time. Other Cannery Row restaurants were too horrifying to consider, tho probably acceptable. The oysters were from Tomales bay, and tho small and stubborn were tasty morsels, I’m planning on maximizing my bivalve consumption this trip, so I guess I have to have a beer too (not that it’s likely to prevent any ilness but it’s just a habit). And the grilled salmon in a pesto and tomato sauce that keeps trying to convince me it’s guacamole, but very tasty.

I chose the Veteran’s Park campground after checking out the other local reccommendations, which were out in Carmel Valley and were very trailer-parky not to mention overpriced. The state campgrounds run $15-$20 a night; from what I can see roadside camping isn’t really legal anywhere anymore. I remember the night before my parents’ golden retriever Midas took a dive off a cliff near Big Sur, we just parked the motorhome at a pull-out – not sure if that was legal even then. I didn’t recognise either the parking spot or the cliffs where the dog almost died; but I did stop and look at some sculpture gardens in Big Sur. I would have picked up a copy of Tropic of Cancer at the Henry Miller library/bookstore/museum but I’m already booked-out. I reccommend the bathroom there, tho, with lots of interesting stuff to read, on the walls.

I’m not certain what I’ll do tomorrow, I guess I might do the Monterey Aquarium while I’m here, then head up to San Francisco area. If I contacted them I could visit with Ray or Joe, or maybe I’ll just head directly to see Rebecca; depends on how I’m feeling tomorrow. Mainly I feel like I haven’t had quite enough quiet alone time, but at the same time I have the urge to press on North.

Oops – or should I say “D’oh!”. Yet one more small drama that might have been worse. When I paid for my campsite I left my wallet at the Ranger’s station, and didn’t realise it until I reached into my pocket to pay my bill at the restaurant. Camp registration was the last place I recalled using it. Fortunately I had my computer with me, which (hopefully hidden somewhere only I could find it – really should password-lock this thing for trips just in case) contains my credit card numbers, so they could run it just from that. Embarassing, but. When I got back (Monterey is really fun to try to find your way around, at night, without a map, to someplace that isn’t obvious even tho it’s practically at the geographical center of town) there was a note from Mr. Ranger saying he had my wallet. But if he’s home now, he’s not answering the door and has a giant German Shepherd that really wants to break through the window and eat me alive, so I guess it’ll wait for tomorrow.

By the way, ask me how many cables I’ve got with me. Go ahead, ask me. A lot, is how many. Cellphone-computer, cellphone-12v, ipod-12v, ipod-computer (firewire standard), ipod-radio (stereo mini headset standard), camera-computer, cameracharger-110v, 110v-12v, 12v-3x12v, palm-computer (in case I even use the Palm!), computer-110v, GPS-computer (including serial-USB converter). Then there’s the solar panel, the second 12v deep cycle battery, etc. Oh, and the EL wire and its 12v driver and circuits (thanks, Janet!) Sure, all this electronic gear simplifies my life. Uh, huh.

Ooh, the presidio here (or somewhere close) plays taps at 22:00. Very nice with echos across the valley. Guess that means it’s time to stop messing with cables and get to bed.

(Morning) …and of course if they play taps at 2200, they must play Reville at 0600! Not too jarring, but not as pleasant nas last night’s performance. Wonder if they have actual buglers or it’s just a recording. You have have heard the same place I did (NPR?) that there are enough miltary funerals, mostly old retired folks of course, that there aren’t enough lve buglers to play them, so someone came up with a device that looks like a bugle but has all the tunes pre-recorded so the soldier du jour just puts it to their mouth and pretends to play. How hard is it to learn to play taps, really?

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