Spam, by George!

My spam blocker just intercepted a message “Secure SMTP Message” from Wonder what W needed to ask me about this time – you know he always wants me to help him out. I keep telling him, “George, you’re the president, why are you sending me emails about this? Can’t you ask your buddies Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld? Or are you asking me because you know I won’t lie to you?”

Either that, or the spammer/cracker/idjit that created the message thinks people will open this. They must not be familiar with typical procedures for processing postal political junk mail (step 1: throw away; step 2: vote for anyone else). Between the Outlook/Exchange viruses and the ads for Viagra, it’s amazing any actual mail gets through.

Speaking of which, the other day I got a long diatribe from a friend of mine, all about politics. Which I might have read if it had been on his blog, but as email I skimmed and deleted it. Pull, don’t push, people!

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