Dis shizzle is f’d up

What the hell is up with the bizarre media censorship that’s going on now – all based on the Super Bowl exposure of Janet Jackson’s nipple!?!? Because of this, our fine government is trying to increase penalties on radio (no, not TV – radio!) personalities for obscenity (however that’s defined, which it appears it isn’t). Not that I like listening to Howard Stern, I find him a little moronic and I tend to listen to NPR in the morning instead; I actually knew who Sandra Tsing Lo was, before her fifteen minutes. The goofballs (and the down-to-earth Dr. Drew) on Loveline have no guidelines for what they’re allowed to say on their late night teen advice show so instead they’re just paranoid about everything.

And yet rap singers on MTV can obsenely objectify women left and right, and everyone sorta takes it for granted.

On a related note: the beach town of Leucadia, which used to be just a little grimy and even had its own nude beach back in the 70s, finally allowed an “F Street” adult store to go in, provided they made the facade tasteful and bland. And this is just a place that sells mainstream porn, timid lingerie and dildos. Big f’n deal! This town is littered wih (probably mostyl legit) holistic health centers and massage therapy centers – in San Diego county, which equates massage directly with prostitution, unless you pay several thousands of dollars for it in nearby La Costa, I suppose.

Again, on the internet you’re only a few clicks away from ordering sex toys that defy description – stuff so perverse it’s painful to even imagine how it’s used, can be delivered to your door by UPS in a couple of days.

But, back to what I started on, we certainly wouldn’t want anyone to hear the word “Fuck” on the radio. Reminds me of this, from Apocalypse now.

“We train young men to drop fire on people, but their commanders won’t let them write “fuck” on their airplanes,
because it’s obscene.”-Colonel Kurtz

Personally I don’t think Janet ever showed her nipple; I think the Bush administration just wanted a memorable Superbowl halftime show, so they made it up based on sketchy information from the CIA. I believe that we should have more inspections. Anyone among us might be hiding nipples! Let’s expose them all!!

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