Friday the 13th

I’ve heard there’s a proto-pagan holiday of some sort going on tomorrow, represented by the symbol of a vulva. How charming. That’s actually just co-opting the Roman holiday of Lupercalia, much more interesting (and I’m sure Scix can provide more details on that).

But today, friends, today is Friday the 13th! A much better reason to celebrate!

Did you remember that the character “King Friday” on Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood celebrated his birthday every friday the 13th? Sounds like a good idea to me.

Here‘s an interesting story about Philip le Bel and the origins of Friday the 13th and the Knights Templar, as well as others.

Not to mention a series of really bad pulp horror movies.

So – break a mirror, pet a black cat, spill some salt, walk under a ladder, exit a movie theater by the same door you entered, drink your first pint without offering a toast. They’re all okay today (by some convoluted logic understood only by me, and perhaps the Knights Templar)!

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