Job Interview

This is a job interview I should be considering – play with legos for a living. When I was a kid I was lucky enough (thanks mom and dad!) to have lots and lots of legos. “Cleaning my room” usually entailed, as the first step, organizing the legos that were scattered all over the floor (by function, irrelevant of color – shades of what I know see as function being more important to me than style).

Not sure if I’d be able to do it all day long, now. But hell, it’s got to be better than working here. Actually at the moment, I’m figuratively putting the legos in little piles – transcribing web page notes from paper to comments on the associated web pages. So maybe it’s not that far off. But the part where I’m explaining to the emergency network contractor people, why I don’t understand not want to understand the intricacies of Exchange mail server, that’s more like the cleaning the room part that I never got to.

But I would love to be able to have a business card that said I was a “Master Builder”.

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