Off in all directions

I’ve got a whole lot of stuff to write here, but can’t get my thoughts organizized. Suspect it’s just an overdose of caffiene again.

I want to talk about:
-Cellphone user interfaces
-Interface stagnation
-lUser cretins
…and some other stuff.

But at the moment – I’m…
-Checking email constantly.
-Still glowing from the fun weekend I had.
-Looking forward to a date tonight!
-Looking forward to another party this weekend.
-Surfing the usual morning sites: slashdot, memepool, macsurfer, boingboing.
-Too lazy to put links to the previous items, I’m sure you can figure them out if you’re motivated.
-Using Dreamweaver to create a progress list for TGC.
-Trying to determine how to turn the progress list into a database.
-Feeling a bit guilty about spending all my time on parties and dates and never going to see my parents.
-Cursing ASP, Windows, Microsoft, Bill Gates, the day he was born, AND the horse he rode in on.
-Trying to determine if the $100 firewall for the office, will be better than nothing and will make do till we can afford the $1000 one with $2000 of configuration – not to mention backups.
-Still suckin’ down the caffiene – in this case the inexplicable 59 cent, 42 ounce Mickey D Diet Coke
-I asked you not to mention backups!
-Trying to remember if I need to put break lines in here, or if it will do it automagically.
-Thinking when the Rover wears out, or before, maybe I need a Volkswagen – either a 5-10 year old vanagon camper, or a Tuareg. Love that name. (Googling for it)
-Listening to random MP3s at just high enough volume to annoy people walking by my office, I hope.
-Contemplating the big stack of books here on the desk waiting to data dump: Website design, Dreamweaver, CSS.
-Considering a ‘preview’ button for this blog.
-Figuring out how to turn my iSight into a webcam
-Thinking we should actually have a holiday on Bill Gates’ birthday so we could actually curse the day he was born.

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