Virus alert (not)

Got another virus today, in the email box. Except it wasn’t.

Here’s my evidence (addresses changed to protect the sender):
-This was an email addressed to cybertel (at) – an address we don’t use (undefined email addresses at are sent to me).
-It was from someone I don’t know – sounding like something to do with stocks – like “”.
-It contained only a word document with an equally cryptic stock-ish name like sharesissuance.doc. (I didn’t open it to see what it was, of course!)
-There was no message, only the attachment.

On a whim, I went to “” (or whatever) and it redirected to “” (or whatever else) that was a company that sends stuff to our company president. Sure enough, he knew “jim” and had been waiting for a message.

I should have sent the nasty anti-virus response back to “jim” anyway. Grrr.

(By the way, did you also notice that this has nothing to do with my “real job” – database management and billing? Only sucked up half an hour of my day or so, if you include this blog entry.)

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