Do you want to restart the computer now?

I’ve noticed that the latest Windows update appears to have changed something that’s annoyed me since…forever.

When you install software or Windows patches, the computer will often need to restart (for no apparent reason, doesn’t happen on Linux, but that’s a different rant). It used to come up and ask,

Do you want to restart the computer now?

No, as a matter of fact, I don’t WANT to restart the computer now – but apparently I have to, eh? I know, it’s supposed to mean “do you want to restart NOW?” but I always found it annoying, since I’d really rather not restart if you’re asking my personal preference. I think I even wrote to M$ at some point to complain about it.

Well, now it’s been changed to:

Restart the computer now?

I guess I should send them another letter:

“Repairs that you’ve made to the operating system have mollified the annoying message asking for a restart. Repairs will not be complete until you stop requiring users to restart after every minor update. Do you want to work on making life easier for users now? (Yes/No)”

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