Phonetic Alphabets

Today at work we were discussing the phonetic alphabet to use when spelling things out over the phone. The one I’m used to is (I’ve learned) NATO standard from 1954:

Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu

But there are others used by police, military, etc. The linked article gives some interesting history. You may prefer, for example, to use RAF 1942-43:

Apple Beer Charlie Dog Edward Freddy George Harry Ink
Jug/Johnny King Love Mother Nuts Orange Peter Queen
Roger/Robert Suga Tommy Uncle Vic William X-ray Yoke/Yorker

…or Esperanto:

Asfalto Barbaro Centimetro Doktoro Elemento Fabriko Girafo Hotelo Insekto Jubileo Kilogramo Legendo Masino Naturo Oktobro Papero Rekordo Salato Triumfo Universo Universo-hoko Vulkano Zinko

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