AJR 15 (?) – Support of Troops and Bush

I’m quenching my aggravation with government by writing them letters. Here’s a letter I sent to several CA assemblypersons.

I am a California voter. I wanted to express my displeasure with elected officials wasting time on resolutions such as AJR 15 and others which express sentiments like “supporting the troops”. I feel this is meaningless partisan bickering and does nothing to address our state’s actual problems.

I learned about this issue from the LA times, 3/31, Patt Morrison’s column which mentions Ray Haynes, Jackie Goldberg, and Todd Spitzer by name. Apparently Sarah Reyes agrees with me, as quoted:

“…maybe we should get back to the business at hand in the state Legislature. We have our own war brewing in California, if you haven’t forgotten that. Recall the budget. We’re $35 billion to the worse in this state [and] we just spent the last two hours debating a resolution.”

Please stick to important issues instead. Thank you for your attention.