
Was listening to a “computer help” radio call-in show the other day, and wanted to call in and offer some hints, but didn’t really want to sit on hold and have to banter with the screener (not to mention the very nerdly host). I always find this show amusing, especially now that they have Mac people calling in. The Windows folks have questions like “my computer keeps crashing, I think it’s some kind of a virus” or “I installed a card and now my computer doesn’t work” to which the answers are usually something to do with registry settings and antivirus programs and so forth. The Mac people that call in, on the other hand, ask questions like “I’ve got a photoshop file, and I’ve applied a filter effect, and I want to save the results in a print shop format”; they tend to actually be productive and getting work done, while the Windows people are lucky to have the damn thing work at all.

In any case, here’s my hint.

On the Mac, open up Applications, and then open up Utilities. Find the program “Terminal” and run it. Voila – you’ve got a Unix shell! Find a book about Unix (and/or BSD) and learn to grep and rsync and ssh all that fun stuff.

On Windows, get a program called Cygwin. It’s free, and it gives you a Unix shell (which basically emulates a Unix environment) within Windows – sort of like the DOS prompt. Oh, you thought the DOS prompt had gone away? Nope, it’s in C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe (as I recall) and it’s often quite useful for things like basic FTP or deleting files that Windows can’t.

Very Strange Sims.

This one is “not safe for work”. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Really.

“Giant Evil Clown Lounge Chair”
“Build Your Own Cage Kit”
“Pile of rotting carnage with flies.”

And my favorite,
“Gimp Outfit”

(okay, but then there’s “Gaping Hole Outfit”. What the hell is up with _that_?? Not to mention “Burned Skin and Stained Undergarments” which sounds a little like a really sad country song.)

Stock Tip Spam

Along with “Hot Russian Teens”, “The Little Blue Pill”, and “Lower your Mortgage”, one of the spams I seem to get frequently is stock tips. Some little crappy company that someone, usually not the company itself but some other slimeback, is trying to “pump and dump”. Seems to me that it would be interesting to put together a tracking system for these – if I had bought them when I got the spam, how did they tend to do. Would they all follow similar trends, say rising quickly then plunging? If so, could one develop a speculative strategy for cashing in on them? Yeah, probably hoping for too much. But if you decide to try it, please let me know how it goes.