Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green day

Yes, I just subjected myself to this “classic”. Although I’m a fan of dystopic cinema, the campier the better, this had a hard time holding my attention.

But I did enjoy Deadwood (rented the videos, since I still don’t have a cable connection), as well as Dead Like Me (no relation btween them, aside from the obvious). There is something to be said for watching TV (or made-for-cable movies, in this case) on a serial basis rather than all at a time – Twin Peaks, for example, doesn’t hold its charm if you’ve got the next episode right there and you don’t have to wait for it (or perhaps it’s just that I’d seen it before). The other one I’m waiting for Netflix to deliver, is Carnivale. I think I’ve gotten more out of Lost on “Television Without Pity” ( – formerly Mighty Big TV) than I would have if I’d chosen to endure it live. Ditto for Survivor.